Impact Stories
Every gift makes a difference in the lives of Cedarville students
Cedarville has changed my outlook on the world and my love for people. I am a different person than I was coming here, and I am so thankful for that.
I have enjoyed getting to know my professors and learning from them. I am not just gaining classroom knowledge but learning so much from their personal experiences

My Cedarville experience has been fantastic. I am so blessed to be able to receive the Christ-centered education that Cedarville is known for! The Lord has opened and closed many doors in my time at Cedarville, but He has also provided me with great friendships to help push me toward Christ. I am very thankful for Cedarville University, and it is because of God’s work and the help from donors that allow me to get the experience I have received while also providing it to future Yellow Jackets.
The Lord has been faithful in providing for me, and Cedarville University has blessed me in more ways than I can count. My friends, professors, and coaches never fail to show their kindness to me. During my time at Cedarville University, I have received scholarships that have made my education possible. Some of these scholarships include the Cedarville Fund Scholarship, One Campus Leadership scholarship, and the Cedarville Excellence Award. One thing my Cedarville experience has taught me is that the Lord is good. He uses places like Cedarville University to advance His Kingdom’s work.
Cedarville has impacted me most by surrounding me with opportunities to grow in my knowledge of the Bible, whether it’s through Bible minor classes, chapel, or discipleship groups. My faith has not only grown here because of the encouraging community and life experiences, but also through increasing my knowledge of the Bible because of the resources Cedarville provides.
The community and friendships here at Cedarville have had the greatest impact on me. My relationships with peers and professors have helped me grow spiritually and academically in more ways than I could count. Every person I have met over the past two years has truly cared for my well-being and I am so thankful for the time I have been able to spend here at Cedarville..
The people and the experiences that I have encountered at Cedarville have shaped me into the man I am today. The Lord has grown me and refined me in ways that I never thought were possible. In doing so, He’s revealed to me the beauty of His plan and His timing. I’m only half the man I hope to be, but I trust that God is not finished. This is made possible through intentional faculty, biblical teaching, and generous scholarships from Cedarville University.
Cedarville has been an incredibly supportive environment for me. Because of the community here, I am well-equipped to advance into my career field not only as a professional but as a strong Christian. Faith is the foundation of everything on campus, which allows accelerated growth in all aspects of life. It is a privilege made possible by scholarships to receive an education here.